Relax soldier, Paris has fallen. You deserve a rest!
kev330 August 11th, 2019
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Inkofon August 11th, 2019
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bayushi_liar August 11th, 2019
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Monty August 8th, 2019
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Recon squad from the British secure a key objective early on. The Germans attack stalled awaiting reinforcements but with some pioneers the assault pushed on. They took out a Daimler armoured car and infantry with a flamethrower and panzer Faust. But it needed I a draw in the end.
Wazzg August 6th, 2019
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First try for my opponent with firefight. This was a tense game. I ran for the ruins and a fight evolved for control of the hard cover which lasted the entire game. on the right flank we each had a LMG team and riflemen who battled it out. Or rather expended a lot of ammunition with little to show for it. He did manage to kill off one of my riflemen who was trying to flank around his LMG team and officer.
The game ended with each of us suffering 4 casualties. But, I controlled the ruins so to me it was a victory, but not really.
smiledge_d August 4th, 2019
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saber5561 August 3rd, 2019
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American forward elements approached a village with the view of capturing it. It was defended by veteran Germans. The Americans attacked with a Chaffee giving supporting fire at the Germans hiding in buildings and late in the battle the USAF turned up. At the other end of the village the Germans p iv advanced firstly gunning down Americans caught out in the open and then blasting them in buildings. After surviving an air strike, it eventually engaged the Chaffee, but with no result as both tanks missed each other. In the last turn the Americans managed to get a unit to the objective and contest it with the German sniper
lesliea August 1st, 2019
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Och nooo
Cornholio August 1st, 2019
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A tough fought point defence action. the British flamethrowers made short work of the supporting light armour, but the SAS took heavy casualties due to being swamped by numbers in close assaults. A timely FUBAR by the axis forces meant that the central objective remained safe, but the last two axis soldiers held on to the eastern objective forcing a draw.
Nelly July 31st, 2019
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