Relax soldier, Paris has fallen. You deserve a rest!
Fixed battle for victory points. lots of fire and maneuver with surprisingly few casualties. Besides an entire squad or grenadiers and a few hanomags that is. The Americans lost a sherman (see pic) and their artillery along with a few guys from every squad.
From the German side it started badly with a hanomag getting blasted by the sherman and blocking my 88 from returning fire. So the 88 decided to direct fire the American artillery and end that threat. The Americans pushed hard from their left while the Germans were forcing the other side of the table. Both sides were out of place to bring the battle to a satisfactory conclusion.
We had to end a turn early as it was getting late but if the game went on it probably still woulda been a draw. So says the German commander anyway.
smiledge_d July 18th, 2019
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A tight fought game but no clear winner
Jarnageddon July 17th, 2019
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2 panthers and 1 tiger of the replacement heavy tank platoon were engaged by the French 2nd armoured brigade after some fierce fighting destroyed tank hulls were everywhere, no foothold was gained by either side and it ended in a draw. 8-8. Meeting engagement.
Wazzg July 17th, 2019
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The grenadiers came into contact with the French in US uniform’s shots we fired early on but no casualties, turn 3 first first dice was the French, sniper vs sniper the French one won, 1st casualty. The French then took the lead. Last turn there was a epic assault in the middle with 3 rounds of draws ending in a French victory. In the end it was a draw. 9-9
Wazzg July 17th, 2019
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Sargnagel July 16th, 2019
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Ha ha….. held them up, and escaped in time for tea!! Good show old bean….
Chip01uk July 15th, 2019
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gillecroisd92 July 14th, 2019
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This was a hard fought engagement against American engineers that were un-tried in combat. Luckily for them they were backed up by a Sherman that raised hell along the Germans right flank.
The German flak 88 has yet to destroy a single tank in its 5 combat engagements so far. It was blocked by terrain from trying to take out the American Sherman. This valiant 88 crew did manage to destroy an M8 scout car and an M3 half track as well as dropping a well placed HE round into some of the engineers who thought they were safe behind a woodline. That makes 4 light vehicles total this brave crew has destroyed in service to the Reich.
Anyway, the battle ended in a draw on turn 5 because the store started flooding from the major storm that was slamming the Clarksville area. we helped to move store product and property away from where the water was pouring in.
I think I would have won if the game continued. Ha!.
We did decide our rematch will be a tank war engagement.
smiledge_d July 14th, 2019
Posted In: Uncategorised
it was a 3 way battle.. russia and usa try to tke berlin but couldnt make a dent into it.. we ended in a dra as a fun great battle.
zanruos July 14th, 2019
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70panda July 13th, 2019
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