Relax soldier, Paris has fallen. You deserve a rest!
t499eagle2 July 6th, 2019
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A rough start for the axis losing a large rifle squad with an ambush but managed to hold their ground with their trusted mg42s.
Cheesin July 6th, 2019
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The 352nd Pionier Battalion was positioned in the ruins of Caen, attempting to hold the city against advanced British units of the 21st Army Group. The British drew early blood, destroying the Pionier’s MG34 team with an artillery strike. But the tide turned against the British, losing their sniper team and FAO in quick succession. A small SMG Force close assaulted a PIAT team and then endured a rapid fire assault from a full strength rifle squad. Ultimately, the British withdrew, leaving the Pioniers to hold Caen.
t499eagle2 July 6th, 2019
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Germans vs British 1250 points
Scenario 5: Top Secret!
German Wehrmacht faces off against British regulars in a mad dash to secure petrol reserves. German forces took the initiative early in the battle with a rush of infantry and personnel carriers, as snipers dogged the British advance. While the stoic boys of Old Blighty held on…they could not stop the dasterly Hun’s sesure of the objective. Resulting in a German win with 4-0 unit kills in the Wehrmacht’s favor!
Overkill161 July 6th, 2019
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Game of no mans land. Germans bunkered down and machine gunned down allied advances
Cheesin July 6th, 2019
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Game of no mans land. Germans bunkered down and machine gunned down allied advances
Cheesin July 6th, 2019
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The German Heer defeated the British infantry in a Top Secret mission. The Germans took minimal casualties, losing a lieutenant to an artillery barrage, and managed to escape with the intel. The Stug killed an AVRE Churchill and screened the retreat of infantry forces.
Gallarj July 5th, 2019
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Night skirmishe d day book. Germans decimate the us Paratroopers unlucky enough to land in the area. German victory.
M18Hellcat July 4th, 2019
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Germans finally captured the US Commanding Officer from hard pushed US Airborne at the start of the 7th turn.
HairborneDave July 4th, 2019
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Axis win by tabling the allies
Wraithbrood July 4th, 2019
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