Report a Battle

Relax soldier, Paris has fallen. You deserve a rest!

The landsers of the Heer overwhelmed the veteran British SAS by a massive superiority of firepower… and some fortunate action dice draws. This meant that the Germans were able to gain the best cover and use it, in concert with the superiority of particularly mg42 firepower, which made the task for the British hopeless in the circumstances. A harsh game for the British player. Looking forward to facing the SAS again when the ‘playing field’ suits them better.

July 10th, 2019

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The Black Baron
With the table set up the intended advance of the British Division commenced. Not even having chance for a cuppa tea the British drove straight into the ambush of the Tigers – with fur and teeth flying in all directions the following occurred.
Turn one: with all three Tigers in ambush (remembering the Whitmann special rule) the slaughter commenced. First on to the table was the Command Cromwell tank; the nearest Tiger allowed it to advance at a run so well within the point blank range then fired at it – the shell punched straight through the front armour of the British tank with the explosion lifting the turret straight off. The second Cromwell tank advance slightly more cautiously and fired, wildly missing the nearest Tiger – the Tiger rotated its turret and returned fire also easily killing the second Cromwell. The last Cromwell tank advanced but was checked by Whitmann whose first shot blew off one of its tracks and caused a turret jam, the second shot set hit and set the tank on fire, but amazingly the crew managed to extinguish the flames but were left with a completely immobilised tank. So at the end of turn one all three of the British tanks had been dealt with.
Turn two: the first of the Bren Carriers arrived and raced up the road. Whittman’s Tiger set to ambush waiting for more British tanks – shortly a Firefly arrived and was hit twice by Whittman and destroyed. Another British Cromwell arrived and moved forward and fired at Whittman but the shell seemed to unfortunately bounce off the thick armour of the Tiger. The nearest supporting Tiger fired and knocked out the advancing Cromwell. The last Firefly arrived on the table and advanced also firing wildly. The last Tiger then fired and immobilised the Firefly.
Turn three: the first Bren Carrier raced forwards and became temporarily stuck in the rubble obscuring the road. Another Bren Carrier arrived and advanced forwards. Whittman finished off the remaining Fire-fly tank leaving only the immobilised Cromwell on the table. The two supporting Tigers proceeded to eliminate the transports on the table.
Turn four: more Bren Carriers arrived and along with the existing ones were all destroyed by the Tigers by a combination of pinning them with the hull mounted MMG and destroyed with the main gun.
Turn five: called a halt to the game as the British player had no more tanks and no means of effectively scoring points as most of the exit routes were blocked by burning vehicle wrecks.
Conclusion: having three Tigers already on the table massively swings the potential for an Axis win, if maybe one Tiger started on the table with the ability for two more to arrive as the British tanks were arriving would have made the scenario more of a challenge. The ability of Whittmann’s to fire twice from an ambush effectively doubles the offensive capability on the table thereby making it as if 4 Tigers were present. So even from turn one the British player is massively disadvantaged as they can only bring their armour on one at a time in the first turn, so allowing the Axis player to concentrate fire on single units.

July 10th, 2019

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Foxes and Rabbits
Having set the table up as close as possible the game commenced:-
The lead elements of the Das Reich Waffen SS Panzer Division, being the panzer grenadiers had taken over a village and patiently awaited the arrival of the armoured recon units. While keeping a keen eye once the snipers had deployed the lead elements of the US Paras arrived along the road way.
Turn one: the 1st SS sniper sent a ranging shot whistling over the heads of the Para 3rd squad with the BAR. This was followed instantly by the 2nd SS sniper doing exactly the same. As the US Paras looked about in shock the SS squad fired a sustained burst with the LMG – being at long range and managed to kill one Para but applied 3 pin markers. In response to the MG42 fire the Paras scattered with one squad going to the left, another going to the right and the one in the middle failing its activation test and so went to ground in the middle of the road… The Para mortar fired a wild indirect shot at one of the possible sniper locations but missed.
Turn two: the nearest 1st Sniper fired again but just missed one of the US Paras as they dived into the hedgerow beside the road. The 1st Para team rushed ahead towards the side of the nearest building to on their left of the roadway. The 2nd Para team proceeded in a similar route but on the right side of the roadway also accompanied by the Lt and assistant. The mortar fired another wild shot missing the possible sniper location. In response the 2nd SS sniper racked up another kill for the soldbuch lists to the BAR Para team. The SS squad applied further harassing fire to the BAR team lying prone in the roadway with another 3 pin markers. Again the Para BAR team failed to move.
Turn three: the 2nd Para team proceeded to rush headlong up the right side of the table closely followed by the officer and assistant. The 1st Para team realised the possible sniper location in the nearest building was a fake and continued onwards. The SS squad readied their weapons for an ambush. The 1st SS sniper again fired at the Para BAR team and missed. The other sniper also fired at the Para BAR team and killed another Para. Realising the lead Para team was heading for an unguarded area of the village the SS Officer left the relative safety of the building and raced across the road to intercept the rushing US Paras.
Turn four: the 1st Para team continued to rush ahead headlong into the readied ambush of the SS Squad – the 1 x LMG, 1 x SMG and 3 x K98 rifles made easy work of the exposed squad and killed all six members leaving none left alive. The 1st sniper hit and severely wounded the US Para Officer’s assistant – this slowed the Officer and meant he had to return to the starting point with his wounded man at half the pace of the arrival and meant he could not achieve the objective of the game. The SS 2nd sniper killed another of the Para BAR team also adding to the significant pin markers. The Para BAR team made its activation roll and tried to get into the soft cover at the side of the roadway. The Para mortar again fired at the possible sniper location and successfully hit such exposing it to also be a fake.
Turn five: the leading US Para squad managed to continue the headlong charge and proceeded off the table into the village. The SS Officer fired at the US Para Officer and killed him outright along with the previously wounded assistant. The SS squad moved forward out of the building to better engage the Para mortar team. The SS Officer did the same from the other side of the table, meanwhile both the SS Snipers each scored hits on the pinned Para BAR team causing them to surrender.
Turn six: the Para mortar team fired at the house containing the SS sniper, however unluckily the mortar round crashed through the roof, through the first floor and exploded on the ground floor harmlessly. In response the 1st SS sniper shot and killed one of the mortar team, the other sniper missed altogether. Both the SS Officer and the SS Squad proceeded to advance along each side of the roadway seeking the US Para mortar team.
Turn 7: the mortar team fired again and missed the building the sniper was located in; in return the sniper shot back at the mortar team and missed. The SS Squad advanced and were poised next turn to engage the mortar team. The SS Officer also moved up opposite the US Para mortar team. The 1st SS sniper fired again but missed the mortar team.
Turn eight: the 1st SS sniper fired a long range shot and luckily killed another member of the mortar team, the last mortar man decided to surrender and so removed the last US para element from the table.

July 9th, 2019

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Tow – Trouble
The wargaming table was set up as closely as possible to the online pdf map as able with the terrain pieces available.
The US tank destroyer was still as abandoned by its crew when hitting a mine. The M38 had been sent out with a light accompaniment of two Regular Ranger Squads and a 1st Lt and assistant.
The nearby Fallschirmjager unit had other ideas for both the Tank Destroyer and its recovery vehicle, they were just a little peeved there were none of those excellent American Jeeps to acquire and pose on afterwards.
The first turn started off with the M38 making a dash for the stricken tank destroyer and getting to easily within close viewing distance. The FJ MMG made a quick dash across the open field, using the hedgerow and finished at the corner by the bridge with the abandoned Tank Destroyer within sight. The leading squad dashed up to the bridge. The remaining 1st Ranger Squad proceeded to run up the road.
Turn Two: The FJ MMG opened up on the M38 and applied 5 pin markers, the 1st FJ Squad moved further towards the first building across the bridge. The M38 failed its Orders Test and so went down. The 2nd Ranger Squad arrived and dashed after the 1st Squad who moved further up the road towards the rear of the nearest building. The FJ Light Mortar arrived and moved up close to the house to the original side of the river. The 2nd FJ Squad arrived and moved up to the bridge, together with the FJ Lt. The Ranger Officer arrived and caught up with the remainder that a moved forward earlier.
Turn three: The 1st FJ Squad entered the nearby building and rushed upstairs to enable them to look down on to the M38 Recovery Vehicle. The FJ MMG fired another sustained burst at the M38 and applied a further two pin markers. The 2nd FJ Squad activated and continuing the headlong rush entered the ground floor of the building near the M38. The Ranger Lt activated and urged the two Ranger squads onwards and the finished their move having just turned the corner of the nearest building. The FJ light mortar fired a round at the M38 and narrowly missed causing a further pin marker to the M38 as it did not land with the open turret ring but bounced off the engine deck.
Turn four: The 2nd FJ Squad managed to win the initiative and using all its fire power opened up on to the 1st Ranger Squad at point blank range – 1 x SMG, 1 x FG42 (Assault Rifle) and 3 x K98 rifles – the result was two dead and 5 pin markers to the Ranger Squad, they in turn failed to activate and decided to go to ground to become smaller targets for incoming fire. The 1st FJ Squad ignored the tempting target of the M38 with the panzerfaust and instead did like the 2nd FJ Squad and opened up at the other Ranger Squad within range – the result was 6 pin markers and three dead. The FJ light mortar scored a real lucky hit directly into the open top of the M38 Recovery Vehicle – this resulted in a fire in the vehicle, the crew failed to extinguish such and so bailed out of the vehicle running back down the road. The Ranger Lt ignored his mauled squads and run into the nearby barn – the FJ MMG being in ambush fired a suppressing burst of the enemy officer, causing no wounding hits but applied 4 pin markers. This fire was added to by the FJ Officer and his batman who managed to kill the Ranger Officer’s assistant – the Ranger Officer at this point decided enough was enough and scarpered away hiding on the river bank.
Turn five: The 1st Ranger Squad tried to regain their composure and rallied but were eliminated by withering fire from the 2nd FJ squad, killing another 2 rangers and causing the remnants to surrender. The 2nd Ranger Squad suffer a very similar fate as the 1st at the hands of the 1st FJ Squad.
The result – the Ranger Officer escaped along the river bank to avoid captivity, those left alive in the Ranger squads were taken as POWs and the M38 continued to blaze in the area adding to the wreckage blocking the road. The FJ teams saved the unused panzerfausts, and found an extra cognac ration for the mortar team to celebrate.
Conclusion: as soon as the FJ MMG was in position then it could effectively prevent the M38 from hooking up and moving off the table with the damaged tank destroyer. The hit from the light mortar was a lucky one which was the deciding factor in the game.

July 9th, 2019

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There are no pics because half the Impasta army is unpainted or proxies. Slowly building up the army. Slowly. Might have to rename them once the proxies are replaced.
The Americans were trying to hold ground they had captured earlier but must have been low on ammo because they spent a lot of time moving or laying in ambush. Half my forces flanked left and the rest drove hard up the center. My only real casualties were when a squad got caught in the open between cover, lost half its members and then broke and ran. In return my flank opened up and wiped a MMG team and the rest of my center moved up and got their revenge on the squad of Americans that had driven off their friends. Following this my center drove hard for the objective (high ground) and pushed the Americans out. Victory for the Impasta’s!!
We will refight this battle switching sides and adding some points.

July 8th, 2019

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Radar Station

July 7th, 2019

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Overdressed german forces with the armored support of a panther, overwhelm french resistance fighter in a small town.

July 7th, 2019

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The Finnish tried to hold a small village against a furious SS assault. After sustaining many casualties the Finns fell back to fight another day.

July 6th, 2019

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Saburo and his Squadron of Zeros engaged Pappy and his Corsairs over the seas of the Pacific once again. Saburo was able to drive that allied planes from the skies after hitting multiple planes and downing a Corsair Rookie pilot.

July 6th, 2019

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A group of SS were on a Manhunt for an Allied officer they knew to be in a town. Rushing in they quickly got the upper hand despite the US Army’s attempts to keep them at bay. Three units of regular riflemen fell to assaults in close combat as the officer tried to escape. Eventually the German officer captured his prey.

July 6th, 2019

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