Relax soldier, Paris has fallen. You deserve a rest!
Monty July 13th, 2019
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Saburo once again came across Pappy and his squadron of Corsairs. After taking multiple shot the Zeros were able to open fire from multiple fighters on one of Pappy’s Aces. Pappy ordered a retreat after his squadron secured a kill on the Japanese.
Akahori July 13th, 2019
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Elements of the British 1st Army advanced into Caen with hopes of capturing a Platoon commander of the 352nd Pionier Battalion. Although able to advance on the squad CP, reinforcing Pionier squads overwhelmed the British assault force, saving the officer from being captured.
t499eagle2 July 13th, 2019
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Top Secret in North Africa between the 8th Army and DAK! The Afrika Korps were victorious making decisive attack’s and recovering the objective
Gallarj July 13th, 2019
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La Fiere Bridge; Scenario 19
As a set scenario in the D-Day Overlord campaign book the battlefield was laid out as near as possible to the map in the book as page 128. The US Airborne forces were detailed in the scenario description. The Axis forces were mostly detailed in the description, the remainder of the 900 points were chosen as follows:
a) 2 x Reg Stug III ausf G c/w shurzen side armour.
b) 1 x Reg Kubelwagon c/w MG42 as the transport for the Axis Captain officer.
c) 1 x Kattenkrad for the Sniper team
d) 3 x Ostruppen squads of 5 men c/w a LMG.
The opening phase of the scenario was notable as the Allied player approx half his troops on the field as either dug in or within buildings – all were hidden. Most notable we the 57mm AT gun almost by the bridge (and proved to be a bit of a surprise to the Axis forces). As the Axis player, decided against having any troops arrive from the reserve as the tracked vehicles could still move through the flooded areas as it was only classed as rough terrain, along with infantry on foot – all with single moves. The wheeled vehicles had to remain on the roadway.
Turn one: Leading the way the Axis Captain sped forwards in the Kubelwagon by urging the driver onwards deliberately driving into the minefield – which turned out to be an anti-personnel minefield only… However the hidden AT gun decided to shoot at the Kubelwagon and scoring a minor hit managed to hit the vehicle and blew off one of the rear driving wheels so immobilising the vehicle. As the Kubel slid to a halt, the Captain within activated and using the MG42 applied 3 pin markers to the crew of the Allied AT gun. Having located the Allied AT gun and mortar the remainder of the Axis forces arrived and with the tracked vehicles making single moves in the flooded area then firing with HE shells causing a number of Allied squads causing multiple units to have pin markers. The Allied forces in response when realising they were mostly out of range tried to use their mortar against one of the smaller tanks but missed, in response the Axis mortar started to zero on the Allied mortar team. The 88mm Flak gun fired at the large Inn type building near the Allied start line as within which were numerous squads. Unfortunately the 88mm missed this time and alerted some of those within of the need to relocate and not to bunch up…
Turn two: the Allied player using the Major activated numerous units near to the bridge and tried to hit one of the 35R tanks but the shell bounced off the front armour much to the frustration of the Allied forces. In response both 35Rs and the H39 focused their MMGs on to the Airborne AT gun killing two of the 3 man team and overloading it with pin markers. Both mortars continued to exchange shots as zeroing in to their targets. The three Osttruppen squads advanced through the rough terrain (as single moves) and fired with the longer ranged MG42, halting just out with the range of the Airborne team with the BARs and making their rolls applied enough hits and pin markers to cause the Airborne team to disperse with their hands in the air.
Turn three: realising the Airborne strength was with very close ranged weapons the Axis team deliberately hung back and relied upon superior fire-power and their better armour to concentrate their fire on the main Airborne Squads all out with the bazooka range… Using all 5 tanks with their MMGs, the LMG of the squads depleted each of the larger US Airborne squads focusing on the bridge.
Turn four: the Allied reserves now started to arrive at the bridge but only filled the now vacant spaces in the Allied line… The Axis forces called in an artillery strike which failed to arrive on time… The Axis sniper completed and excellent shot by killing the Allied Major as he was seeking to motivate his remaining squads. The Axis armour remained stationary using their MMGs to rake the Airborne troops causing three small squads to flee/surrender.
Turn five: The last of the Allied forces were drivin from the table and the game.
Conclusion: allowing the Axis player to have items/weapons which can; either easily in most cases and only just in some, out range the Allied team’s weapons was an easy recognise and greatly affected the tactics used – one of standoff and shoot and have enough forces able to move up to the bridge on the final turn. In this instance the vehicle mounted MMGs proved a good investment well spent…
Brin July 12th, 2019
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MikeRoss July 11th, 2019
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Snap Happy. This scenario was played out involving the RAF 603 Squadron seeking to take photo recon of the Axis armoured formations moving towards Caen, in response the Luftwaffe JG26 under the direction of Pips Priller scrambled two aircraft to intercept the lone RAF recon plane. The pilots of Uffz. Heinz Gehrke in #2 and Uffz. Erhard Tippe in #5 of JG26’s 11th Staffel was soon airborne and dashing for height advantage.
The Recon RAF spitfire XIV with its superior speed soon closed towards the armoured formation, the Axis tankers were pleased to see not one but two Luftwaffe planes fly past at great speed as they were diving for max speed then together turned off to the right towards the approaching RAF plane. In response the Spitfire completed a sharp turn right in front of the Fw190s and dive towards to the Panthers below to get the best possible recon photos. Noting such Uffz. Gehrke also manoeuvred in a tight turn and tried to tail the Spitfire but didn’t quite make correct approach angle. Meanwhile Uffz. Tippe being the more experienced pilot completed such and also outmanoeuvred the Spitfire causing it to be disadvantaged.
With eyes on the mission objective the Spitfire continued to dive towards the armour easily dodging the flak fire from the vehicle mounted MGs. Uffz. Gehrke followed the Spitfire but didn’t commit to the dive, instead awaited for the Spitfire to approach his target angle and fired but failed to score any definite hits. Uffz. Tippe completed his turn and arrived exactly behind the Spitfire in a classic tailing manoeuvre and also fired but failed to score any hits.
With the Spitfire disadvantage in the dive to photo the Panthers, Uffz Gehrke let rip with a short range passing shot before moving past and luckily scored a significant hit. The Spitfire already disadvantaged and committed to the dive was unable to pull up, without height and at a high speed the pilot was unable to undo the canopy before the plane slammed into the ground fairly close to the Panthers of Das Reich. Flying over the Axis armour the Luftwaffe pilots were treated to the rare spectacle of being cheered by the ground forces for a job well done. However Uffz. Tippe will be having a chat in the bar with his wingman about stealing ‘his’ kill…
Brin July 11th, 2019
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Fallschirmjäger of Kampfgruppe “Markt Grun” ambushed a section of 101st US Airborne as they moved into a small village in the Normandy countryside.
The silence of the the backwater settlement is broken by the CRACK! of a K98 round, then another! 2 US squads sprint forwards along the lane towards the village centre, but are then fired upon at close range by a Fallschirmjäger squad moving into a nearby yard. That squad was then very nearly wiped by a very lucky mortar round that killed 3 of them!
The third Airborne squad & command team moved up & the foremost US squad attempted to finish of the remains of the FJ Squad, but were valiantly defeated & destroyed by those last x2 FJ veterans!
Sniper shots from unidentified locations poured in on the US troops but caused no casualties, & despite taking fire from the Fallschirmjäger command team 1 US squad & the battered remains of another escaped the ambush through the village. The US command team dashed off the road to get away from the FJ MMG, only to have the officer shot by a Fallschirmjäger sniper from his hiding spot & left with a critical wound! The Fallschirmjäger command team then finished them off with MP40 fire from a nearby window.
The lone remaing US mortar team was then picked off, & despite having x9 US Airborne escape the Fallschirmjäger won victory having killed 14 US Airborne including their Officer.
Panzermonkey1 July 10th, 2019
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BedfordMW1 July 10th, 2019
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The Heer force faced British Paras… veterans and determined, but unfortunately the superior ranged firepower of the Germans, particularly the mg42s, crushed the Brits before they could do serious damage. The Germans were lucky with their action draws too by gaining good cover before the British. Eventually the Paras realised they could not win and to press on would involve massive casualties, so withdrew the field in reasonable order.
BedfordMW1 July 10th, 2019
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