Report a Battle

Relax soldier, Paris has fallen. You deserve a rest!

Battle for sectors.
The Germans eeked out a win vs the Americans. The deciding factor was a lucky direct hit during a mortar duel between opposing mortar crews on turn 3 that wiped out the American indirect fire. After this the Germans were able to safely occupy (hide in) the ruins near the center of the battlefield and drive away 2 different squads that were trying to move into other sectors. 2 machine guns in a squad is always worth the points. The Germans ended up with 2 table quarters and their home quarter and they had a unit in the American quarter but not enough to control or contest it.
it was a good game of back and forth and a rematch is already being planned.

July 28th, 2019

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A mixed German armor force heading to the front is surprised by an American armored column who had somehow penetrated deep into the German rear area. The American gangsters may have had the element of surprise, but, did not help them much against the superior training and iron will of the fatherlands finest. Losing a Hanomag to the first shot and pinning down the squad of brave grenadiers who managed to bail out with no casualties the Germans quickly turned the tide. The Americans lost a Sherman so quickly the German gunners weren’t even able to properly identify it. At the Hofbrau haus they would later claim it was a feared and dreaded Sherman Firefly. It all went downhill for the Americans very quickly after that. The highpoint for them was destroying a panzer IV the turn after it had been immobilized. They did some damage here and there but nothing significant. For the Germans it seemed like every turn was a highpoint. The battle ended with the Germans in complete control of a battlefield littered with burning American armor and strewn with dead and wounded allied soldiers.

July 28th, 2019

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Loose like always

July 27th, 2019

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“Pips” Priller leads his FW190s to victory over “Sailor” Mallin & his RAF compatriots in their Spitfire Vs. Only one Spitfire was downed after the FWs escaped a precarious starting position

July 24th, 2019

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A brutal close range skirmish over a farmstead between Kampfgruppe Markt Grun Fallschirmjäger & US Rangers, results in only 2 FJ unwounded & all US Forces taken out of action. 3 deadly assaults left the majority of combatants dead or wounded. Only the Fallschirmjäger Leftenant & one rifleman standing.

July 24th, 2019

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July 24th, 2019

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Luftwaffe forces intercept & destroy a Mustang on recon

July 24th, 2019

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750 points US Airborne vs German Herr
Mission 5 – Top secret
US troops tried to rush the Objective but took heavy damage from a Puma which was lurking nearby.
A Sherman proceeded to knock out the puma which blocked the Americans line of sight to the objective, which allowed the Germans to capture the objective and get it off the board.

July 24th, 2019

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Germans tanks 🙁

July 22nd, 2019

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Dice like always

July 22nd, 2019

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