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Relax soldier, Paris has fallen. You deserve a rest!

The French came across some Germans trying to pass them and it ended with fierce firefight. Ended in a French victory 8-4

August 10th, 2019

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A Hungarian detachment was sent to capture a US Army officer wanted for interrogation. The veteran Hungarians were unprepared for the American determination to protect their own. The Americans overwhelmed unit after unit and eventually routed the Hungarians from the field,

August 10th, 2019

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August 10th, 2019

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As the Finnish were resting in a wrecked village waiting for reinforcements they were set upon on all sides by the Waffen SS supported by a Strum Tiger. Despite fighting valiantly the Finnish fell and the village was taken by the German forces.

August 10th, 2019

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1000 pt battle
US vs Germany
Objective: US forces capture town held by German forces.
Result: US forces came in strong annihilating a grennadier squad by turn two. But the tide turned as German reinforcements poured on to the board and the American squads got bogged down on the edge of the village. By the end of the battle, with the help of a few Fubars, the Americans lost two half tracks, a 57mm gun and a squad, only being able to contest one building in the village.

August 9th, 2019

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A general 750 point battle over the weekend.

We played a heaily wooded table with Ben bringing his very soviet looking DDAY attackers.

We rolled scenario and it was a straight up fight, destroy more units than your opponent, game on.

I took an infantry heavy force with some back up panzerfausts, MMG team and a sniper.

Ben took a medium tank lots and lots of infantry and an assault engineer squad.

The light cover pretty much across the board helped the Germans massively but the assaukt engineers with their body armour and the sheer number of troops on the field meant i struggled to kill off a single unit, with my opponenet being really shrewd and retreating fro the action when the units were down to a few men.

By the close of the last turn i had lost two units (a lucky shot killed off my sniper team and one of my squads got shredded my some surprisingly accurate rifle fire from the inexperienced troops! Vasily was definitly in that squad somewhere!)

My force also suffered from a lack of armour as the medium tank (a T34 in Normandy!) didnt come anywhere near my panzerfaust toting troop and sat back shooting HE.

Back to the list building for the 352nd division!

August 9th, 2019

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The Gap

We finally got round to playing one of the scenarios for DDAY!

The British (We played using US models) set up in the deployment area and sat tight as the might of the Wehrmacht decended on their position.

The two panzeschrek teams managed to work their way up towards the two tanks hull down behind the bocage without suffering too many pins, even though the britih focused their fire on the poor AT teams.

The starting grenadier squad was not so lucky and through some amazing rolling lost most of their number and fled the field by turn 2.

Teh british reinforcements took their time to come onto the board whilst the Germans equipped with actual maps had more success.
The AT teams managed to get into position to styart firing on the tanks, again seemingly impervious to the opposing infantries fire.

The first cromwell went up in smoke in turn four with a lucky strike and the reinforements started pushing the starting British infantry off the bridge in the same turn. Securing a good defensive position before the bulk of the British reinforcements arrived meant the British struggled to get the Germans off the bridge.

The game ended 6 points to 4 to the Germans, with the game finishing on turn 6.

Unfortunately being the numpty i am i forgot to take any photos!

August 9th, 2019

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August 9th, 2019

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August 8th, 2019

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August 8th, 2019

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