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Relax soldier, Paris has fallen. You deserve a rest!

German FJ spearhead over a bridge against us forces.

June 21st, 2019

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After a fairly unexpected event full para scatter, the allies rallied quickly before the first german wave arrived. Every quickly the fighting turned into the battle of the orchards, as the allies grouped together in the orchard, with those not pinned by the arriving guns of wave 2 attempting to break through the hedge line to make a run for the edge of the battlefield, however these where cut off my the arrival of wave 3 with their 2 mg34s helping cut down the numbers of men before the allied forces surrendered due to taking too many losses.

June 20th, 2019

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In another engagement using the firefight rules, a section of commandos attempted to defend the gains inland they’d made into a ruined house, against a determined Heer counterattack. Vastly outnumbered, the survivors sold themselves dearly in service of the crown.

June 20th, 2019

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In another engagement using the firefight rules, a section of commandos attempted to defend the gains inland they’d made into a ruined house, against a determined Heer counterattack. Vastly outnumbered, the survivors sold themselves dearly in service of the crown.

June 20th, 2019

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In another engagement using the firefight rules, a section of commandos attempted to defend the gains inland they’d made into a ruined house, against a determined Heer counterattack. Vastly outnumbered, the survivors sold themselves dearly in service of the crown.

June 20th, 2019

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Played in 6mm using centimeters instead of inches, this was an interesting adaptation to the standard Tank War, and provided a battlefield of delightful scope. Unfortunately, the British armored lines were unable to prevent the breakthrough of German heavy reinforcements in a counterattack. With this sort of result, it is only a matter of time until Tigers come to a stop on the cliffs over Omaha beach.

June 20th, 2019

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Game of key Positions The Japanese rushed forward to take the objectives and wiping out the US platoon to a man.

June 19th, 2019

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The Canadians were once again facing off against the grenadiers who stole there air supplies, the mission was to grab 5 strategic points. A couple of rifle sections on the right facing off against some light artillery and a platoon of Germans and on the Canadians left flank there were a medium artillery and a puma. The AVRE and kangaroo drove at them. The AVRE fired and mission the puma. The mortar behind the AVRE fires and hits the medium arty making the crew run away. The right flank of the Canadian’s were being battered by the light arty and grenadiers, they found one strategic and just sat on it. On the right the AVRE ended up getting pinned out, the kangaroo dropped troops off but then got destroyed by the puma. In the end a German victory. 4-0

June 19th, 2019

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Battle to relieve American Paratroopers dropped on d day behind Utah beach. The Germans were able to prevent the allies from breaking through the Bocage long enough to be able to eliminate the American airborne units.

June 19th, 2019

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750pt battle between HMS Starling with two MTBs in support and two Hei class Minesweepers with 6 Maru-Ni. One Minesweeper was sunk by a combination of 4″ shells and torpedoes and one Maru-Ni was also sunk and the other Minesweeper badly damaged. It survived only because the torpedo that hit it was a dud. Sadly no Royal Navy vessels survived the battle.

June 18th, 2019

Posted In: Uncategorised

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