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Relax soldier, Paris has fallen. You deserve a rest!

Dispatched deep into enemy territory, a small squad of rangers were tasked with the rescue a beleaguered member of the 101st Airbourne, but after an ill-advised attempt to rescue a child one of the soldiers was shot and killed. Fallschirmjagers were closing in on the Americans. Opposing snipers kept each other occupied while the rest of the troop attempted to head north, clear of the opposition. They escaped, but not before their Bar Gunnner and 2nd Lt we’re shot down. This left only the American sniper, still in a stalemate with his German counterpart. The Germans swarmed in and quickly took out this lone soldier.

June 27th, 2019

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June 27th, 2019

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Fallschirmjäger of Kampfgruppe Markt Grun engaged a US Armoured Infantry column at a Normandy bridge crossing.

Initial HE fire from the M3 Stuart takes out the Fallschirmjäger Sniper team in the upper floor of a nearby house to stop them popping off shots at the advancing US infantry. However a Panzerfaust shot from an upper floor window blew the Stuart apart in retaliation an instant later.

The supporting US halftrack deposited a unit of infantry onto the bridge who then raced across it & into the lower floor of the Fallschirmjäger occupied house. There they were subjected to merciless fire from 2 Fallschirmjäger squads & their Officer, before being assaulted & wiped out from the floor above!

The Fallschirmjäger Recoilless 10.5 Rifle then took out the US Halftrack. The US replied with MMG fire from a cottage they occupied & advancing more infantry behind their burning vehicles towards the bridge, but small arms & mortar fire whittled down their numbers until their Officer called a retreat leaving the Fallschirmjäger in control of the bridge.

Victory for Kampfgruppe Markt Grun!

June 26th, 2019

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Day para drop , screaming eagals drop into Normandy the stick landed ok we quick gathered are Men . We ran both but a German patrols attacked from the west . We ran one group through the wood ,the Lt went to the rear section as they had a rough landing. But was not needed . Suddenly from the south a German patrols attacked they cause 1casulty we hoped over the fence and returned fire. We al moved north. Middle section got of the board. The eastern section met a heavy machine gun section we some how we got through ..the east section wiped out the eastern German patrol. But the officer got angry. He charged the section killed one man and the rest surrendered end of game Allie 3 point a German 14 points

June 26th, 2019

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Our local russian player wanted to try out an allied force so i lent her my Americans. Lets face it, shermans can not stand up to panzer 4’s and had little chance against my lone panther which took a sherman, a half track, and a whole squad of infantry before being immobilized and left out of the last two turns action. The Americans did manage to secure one table quarter but were forced out of the village they occupied at the beginning. The Germans lost 1 panzer 4 and 1 squad plus a MMG team with a panther and a half track, immobilized. The Americans lost all their tanks and halftracks and half her infantry. She loves not paying for movement to shoot infantry but hates not having the motherlands finest tanks. By the way this was a 1650 point battle as she had a lot of things she wanted to try out.

June 26th, 2019

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A detachment of the infantry division was sent ahead to make sure 2 bridges over an important river was captured. As soon as they arrived the Germans saw the Red Devil’s across the river attempting the same. The Red Devil’s our up a good fight but in the end had to retreat due to casualties sustained. Ending in a German victory.

June 26th, 2019

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A detachment of the German infantry division was sent out to recce left flank and ran into a American infantry platoon the US infantry fought well but had to retreat in the end resulting in a win for the Germans.

June 26th, 2019

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Following the US recovering the disabled Sherman, a small force was assembled and dispatched to oust the small German force. The US was underestimated the size of the German force waiting for the US. Axis forces were able to defeat the US forces, holding the bridge and halting advancement closer to Berlin.

June 26th, 2019

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June 25th, 2019

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June 25th, 2019

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