Relax soldier, Paris has fallen. You deserve a rest!
Full disclosure, my opponent doesn’t have a profile for D Day. As a Russian player she doesn’t think its right to play Russians. So she is using my Allied profile and a lot of my American models for the D Day games she plays here at Ricks cards. Tried out the training wheels scenario. We had to proxy a few panzer III, and IVs for the 35s and let my opponent borrow a Sherman or two since her Russian army only had 1. I almost have her convinced to start an American army and give her Russians a break.
This was a fun scenario and we are talking of adapting it to an Eastern front theme along with a few other players.
Anyway I barely scraped out a win in the last turn with a lucky shot to side armor with a 6 to hit and on the damage chart. The dice gods shined brightly on my for that brief moment.
Sorry, no pictures since there were so many proxies.
smiledge_d July 1st, 2019
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Rapid action from the 101 AB to find important documents in a small village near Carentan.
Failure of the operation.
Dreadnought July 1st, 2019
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Basior July 1st, 2019
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Basior July 1st, 2019
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A Canadian sherman platoon supported by a firefly and a staghound armoured car came up against Herr Jonnies panzer 4s and supporting Stug in the Normandy countryside..
Despite early success (the Canadians bagged a Panzer turn one!) The German accuracy started to take its toll in the following turns. By the end of the game only one very pinned sherman survived.
It was operation goodwood all over again!
thequinmeister July 1st, 2019
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oneofpeacemk July 1st, 2019
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Scenario Ships in the Night,only on British MBT escaped.
ajt1989 July 1st, 2019
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Once again, the speed, armament and durability of a Kriegsmarine E-boat withstood the onslaught of two Royal Navy MTBs. One Vosper was sunk, though the E-boat was damaged severely.
VHSkinner June 30th, 2019
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6mm German vs British Shermans
Minibeady June 30th, 2019
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Continuing Lt. Baker and mine’s Western Desert campaign, we played Scenario 7: a dawn assault by a DAK reinforced panzer platoon on a dug-in British force. The DAK tanks broke the trench lines of the Brits still in darkness and as the skies lit DAK Pioniers were storming trenches. A bloody victory for the Afrika Korps.
Gallarj June 30th, 2019
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