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Relax soldier, Paris has fallen. You deserve a rest!

The Germans counter attacked. The British defended valiantly but in the end were taken out with superior firepower.

August 3rd, 2019

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August 3rd, 2019

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Full disclosure, this was someone using my allied profile to fight me and my axis profile. My opponent has a early war polish army so had no force that he deemed D-day worthy so he used borrowed tanks from me and another allied player.
Luck and skill prevailed for the axis this day. My only loss was a panzer III and a few guys from 2 grenadier squads and a ill placed panzer schrek team. The poor panzer schrek team was disintegrated by a Sherman 76 main gun round after they rolled a 1 from point blank range at the Sherman 76. Said Sherman went up in a ball of fire the next turn from my panther. Not only did the Germans hold their ground they pushed the Americans out of the town they were holding and ran half the survivors off the battlefield entirely.

August 3rd, 2019

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Well fought battle for sectors. One lucky artillery strike took out the remainder of the allied army

August 3rd, 2019

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Sadly this may be my last game against toratora. He is thinking of selling his army due to lack of time to play. We are trying to convince him to hold onto it for when his schedule opens up. On the other hand, I might be starting a new army.
Nothing spectacular happened in this fight. It was filled with poor dice rolls on both sides and he ended with the win purely because he happened to be holding the objective on the last turn. It was a pure infantry fight with out even a transport or artillery piece. The first casualty did not even happen until turn 3.

August 2nd, 2019

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August 2nd, 2019

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August 1st, 2019

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The allied forces were unable to make progress. A pesky Panzershreck took out 3 Bren gun carriers on successive turns. He will be getting the iron cross. The British got stuck in a firefight and were unable to break through the axis lines.

August 1st, 2019

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forgot ebout ambush on my unit

August 1st, 2019

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A battle between the RAF and Luftwaffe ended in the Luftwaffe easily routing the British defenders after downing one of there planes.

August 1st, 2019

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