Relax soldier, Paris has fallen. You deserve a rest!
British vs Italians
The Brits made a small advance to be swiftly pushed back by the Italian Defense.
With the aid of the British reinforcements, the British could hold themselves in the game.
With some safe play and cleaver play the British were able to disrupt the Italian Defense and push to take the a slim win with the help of the addition turn.
WillBattom June 29th, 2019
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It’s started off slow.
There was a lot of heavy casualties taken early on by the British as the Germans pushed on and took some big advices.
The British we able to hold there ground and slowly fought back to take the win by a smallest of margins.
WillBattom June 29th, 2019
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Viedymin June 29th, 2019
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Second part of our big game. In this part The italians tried to hold the city. It was going really well until american Calliope started shooting. It was devastating and forced Italians to fall back. But we couldn’t end the game on time…. End of 4 turn.
Viedmin June 29th, 2019
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Part of our big game. Americans and British soldiers tried to capture Church and hills near it.
Defendig forces whas compromised of Germans and Italians. That resulted in bloodbath for both forces but the defenders were determined to hold their positions.
Viedmin June 29th, 2019
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American paras tried to seize the vital road to the beaches but were suprized by the Italian garrison that stationed there.
Viedmin June 29th, 2019
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Scenario 7, and attacking, but my cromwell was killed turn 1, and my infantry stayed on the ground in front of Puma, PzIII et Panzer38t.
I shot the puma with the PIAT and stressed the Pz38t with artillery, but not enough to save the situation…
Bulldogmaster June 29th, 2019
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Screaming Eagles Scenario: Members of the 101st airdropped behind enemy enemy lines. They were lucky that no hard landings occurred. Lt Speirs was able to quickly rally the men of Dog Company and a squad of Pathfinders. All squads were able to successfully move north after suffering 3 casualties from machine gun and rifle fire after a squad of Germans moved into a ruined building.
Nick_Soapdish June 29th, 2019
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An understrength but numerically superior force of Grenadiers with a StuH 42 in support quickly overwhelmed an untested force of US Infantry and support staff, capturing a Major in the process.
judgedoug June 29th, 2019
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A small platoon of the 1st SS Panzer Division encountered a small isolated platoon of crack British Airborne. Both were trying to wipe the other out and gain control of a critical town impending the Allied advance. As the battle began, both sides poured troops into the town while deploying multiple LMGs, MMGs, artillery, and mortars to gain better firing lanes. The SS held the center for a time being with multiple LMGs pointed at the center of town, content to let their artillery piece dual against their counterpart mortar team across the town. An SS sniper team started to slowly pick off a squad of Airborne that attempted to sweep around the SS’s right flank. The SS sent a Kubelwagon armed with an MMG up their right flank while a fanatical group of assault rifle wielding SS started making their way down the left flank. If either group got through, the Airborne would be encircled. While shells flew back and forth between the mortar and artillery, a motivated SS officer headed up the left flank to assist the assault rifles fanatics. At this point, the Airborne shifted hard left to counter and became exposed to fire from the Kubelwagon. The LMGs of the SS covering the center of town abandoned their spot and joined the push on the left flank. The fanatical troops were able to fire and then assault an Airborne before multiple British units cut down the remaining two in the open. The British then radioed in a danger close fire support mission on the redeployed LMGs now threatening their left flank. The artillery strike hit home, wiping the sniper team off and badly shaking the left flanking squad. At this point, the SS artillery piece repositioned and began to slowly take out the crew based weapons of the enemy mortar team. The Kubelwagon raced ahead and poured fire into the mortar team to begin the pincer move while the LMGs rallied and prepared to push the left flank again. Several minutes later, the British Airborne were overwhelmed by the flanking maneuver, almost all Allied forces were destroyed but a single surviving regular artillery observer surrendered to the SS forces.
RVA_Sarge June 29th, 2019
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