Relax soldier, Paris has fallen. You deserve a rest!
Massacre of the Molbrays:
Kriegsmarine forces of Kampfgruppe Markt Grun consisting of x4 S-100s attacked Molbray Harbours on the Normandy coast defended by x4 Royal Navy MTBs, including a Fairmile.
The raid resulted in x2 broken & sunk tankers caught unloading at the docks; x2 Molbray Harbours destroyed!
All x4 Royal Navy vessels were left burning & ruined. The smell of roasting rum wafting across the waves left the Kriegsmarine crews in no doubt of the drunken state of the British Sailors that left them struggling to operate & unable to get a shot off straight!
All x4 Kriegsmarine vessels escaped the scene of action, one limping heavily bit victorious!
Panzermonkey1 August 14th, 2019
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kev330 August 14th, 2019
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Commasar I swear the commander is a traitor to the motherland. His claim that his tank just happened to malfunction and that he was outside the vehicle trying to do maintenance just doesn’t add up. All of our vehicles near him happened to be targeted expertly as if they knew exactly where we would be.
Eisenfaust August 14th, 2019
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MicDrop August 14th, 2019
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kev330 August 14th, 2019
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Basior August 14th, 2019
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gillecroisd92 August 14th, 2019
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The German grenadiers pushed through the British lines, but took heavy casualties doing so. Ended in 6-4
Wazzg August 13th, 2019
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Monty August 13th, 2019
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Reaper_5561 August 13th, 2019
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