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Relax soldier, Paris has fallen. You deserve a rest!

Demolition scenario, german armour helped a loaded half track get to the objective, the rest of my force suffered greatly at the hands of the Commando force, one more turn and a unlucky pin test and it would have been an allied victory.

Pictures to follow.

June 18th, 2019

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June 18th, 2019

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Two Cromwells being a escorted by a platoon of infantry stumbled upon a German Aufklarung platoon on the outskirts of a village in Normandy. The Infantry was backed up by a couple 25 pounders and an artillery observer. The German commander knew his only answer to the Cromwells was his infantry with their panzerfausts. After seeing a Cromwell advance up the lane and fire a shot over the left fender of a 250/9, a brave squad of Germans raced forward in their Opel Blitz and machine gunned the artillery observer breaking his radio communication. The squad of aufklarungs quickly hopped out and fired two panzerfausts into the front of the Cromwell leaving it burning on the small lane. Shortly after this, a couple 2cm shots from the 250/9 sent the crew of a 25 pounder running back to the beaches. This decisive moment altered the outcome of the engagement. The British commander valiantly fought on taking some
Casualties including a couple vehicles, but with a weakened flank and no artillery support he was forced to allow the German commander the key positions and withdrew off the field of battle. The German commander gained vital information and secured a village integral to the defense of the French countryside.

June 18th, 2019

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The Big Red One (and the 2nd Ranger Battalion) assaulted the beach on Omaha. Had the game continued past 9 turns, the Americans would have made it off the beach. However, due to the

June 18th, 2019

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First hours of DDay. 101st lands on France ground. Everywhere are Germans and US forces needs to regroup and push to theyr comrades. As they carried theyr orders German forces encircles paratroopers and made a bloodbath. Only few escaped sad fate.

June 18th, 2019

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German defenders held strong against a Commando raid attempting to capture soldiers in an attempt to gather intel. Little did they know, Corporal Bütz who was taken from his post knew nothing of the German plans for a counter offensive. It was futile anyway as the Commando party was reduced down to 2 men who managed to paddle away on their dingy in the darkness.

June 18th, 2019

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German defenders held strong against a Commando raid attempting to capture soldiers in an attempt to gather intel. Little did they know, Corporal Bütz who was taken from his post knew nothing of the German plans for a counter offensive. It was futile anyway as the Commando party was reduced down to 2 men who managed to paddle away on their dingy in the darkness.

June 18th, 2019

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Screaming Eagles Scenario – Sadly, I forgot to take pics.

The Airborne got an unlucky 3 pin markers on their Westernmost unit, which the Heer took total advantage of, pinning them down with everything they had.

The Airborne tried to bring their troops in to give them some releif, but the German fire was unrelenting, killing enough of the unit to secure an Axis victory!!

June 18th, 2019

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21:00hours 17June
All was going great gun chaps, the spotter was bang on the front line, then Jerry decided attacking the battleship was a non starter and with that hot footed merrily high tailed it over to the plucky chap in the spotting kite then almost from nowhere a lone Hun jinked his way through us (up till then )galant defenders and with an honest amount of luck squeezed some hot lead into our boys engine forcing him down into the sand in flames

June 17th, 2019

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The Germans were hard pressed to hold off the advancing American gangsters and only squeeked by with a victory. The casualties for the Germans were heavy but Hitler youth could not be budged and held onto the road junction and the high ground.

June 17th, 2019

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