Relax soldier, Paris has fallen. You deserve a rest!
Hughfoo June 23rd, 2019
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Inkofon June 23rd, 2019
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Conlave Convention BRS participation game
Panzermonkey1 June 23rd, 2019
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elcatinos June 23rd, 2019
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elcatinos June 23rd, 2019
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elcatinos June 23rd, 2019
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Basior June 23rd, 2019
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The Royal Navy allies of Able Company faced the Germans in a Ships in the Night engagement. The E-Boat proved too powerful for the British, sinking one Vosper, then the other.
dolby June 23rd, 2019
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The Germans were well prepared for the initial US landings at Omaha beach. They were able to delay the advance die to multiple well placed shots from an 88 and an Anti-tank gun. They were able to destroy multiple US landing craft in deep and shallow water, causing many US troop to wade to shore under fire.
Once the US troops made landfall they were met with well placed machinegun and artillery fire. This prevented the US troops from quickly taking a command bunker and significantly delayed their ability to gain control of a vital crossroad objective.
Akahori June 23rd, 2019
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Saburo Sakai led his squadron against US Corsairs. They were able to easily outmaneuver the US pilots. Pappy Boyington ordered his men to retreat after his squadron took multiple hits and one Corsair shot down.
Akahori June 23rd, 2019
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