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Relax soldier, Paris has fallen. You deserve a rest!

The Allies attempted to put to sea from a Mediterranean port. However, the darkness provided cover for 4 E-boats to get in close with torpedoes and gunfire. Both tankers were sunk (1 by torpedo, the other by gunfire), as well as a US Subchaser. The Kriegsmarine lost only one S-100. The bottleneck at the harbor entrance caused a great deal of chaos for the Allies.

July 4th, 2019

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Tank units in support of the Fallschirmjäger of Kampfgruppe Markt Grun engaged & destroyed multiple Shermans, designated as part of Robbo’s Raiders. x2 kills were by a Tiger, who suffered upwards of 10 hits, but continued to fight on! Victory to Kampfgruppe Markt Grun!

July 3rd, 2019

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Forgot to take bazooka.

July 3rd, 2019

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The unlucky Brits couldn’t quite break the resilience of the German forces.

July 3rd, 2019

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A fast response of British light vehicles and infantry was met by a counter attack by German armoured cars, After several losses the British forces were forced to retreat.

July 2nd, 2019

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Severe weather and low light levels hampered the allied shooting but mandatory carrot based rations worked in the German’s favour. Conditions inside their tanks were reported as being “unpleasant.”

July 2nd, 2019

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July 2nd, 2019

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Mortal and banzai do great job

July 2nd, 2019

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Banzai so hard

July 2nd, 2019

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US Paratroopers dropped in to secure the bridge and the German forces had to mobilize and repel the US forces. The US forces were quickly dealt with and defeated in an overwhelming victory for the defending Germans.

July 2nd, 2019

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