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Relax soldier, Paris has fallen. You deserve a rest!

To maintain Hitlers fixation on the Pas de Calais the Allies have continued to scout other beaches on the French coast after the D-Day landings. We fought this using the Postage Able scenario. The Allied Commandos had the misfortune of coming ashore on a stretch of beach guarded by Sven Hassel, the Old ‘Un, Tiny and the Legionnaire. The first Commando scouted the first section of beach and then slipped back to sea while his comrade scouted the second section & moved on to attempt. the third section. The Germans had eliminated 2 of the diversionary markers. While attempting to scout the final section the last Commando came too close to the Legionnaire, his senses honed by his pre-war service with the French in Algeria. The Commando attempted to eliminate the Legionnaire but against the lethal reflexes of the little man his Commando training was of little help.

July 16th, 2019

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After 7 hard fought turns the Germans finally defeated the allied forces of Gurkhas and Indians by two points.

July 16th, 2019

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Another game against our local russian player who was borrowing my americans. This time she used my Airborne. No major stand out moments from this battle. It was mostly a pin or two here and 1 casualty there. On the allied side the medic rolled so many 6s that he must have been the divisions gambling champion. For the Germans it was a volksgrenadier sqd that upgraded that destroyed a howitzer in close combat, pinned down a squad and fought off another squad in close combat. They sat on an objective and gave me the win on turn 6. Iron crosses for the 7 surviving members.

July 16th, 2019

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July 15th, 2019

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July 15th, 2019

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Re run of the garrison assault, this time im playing the British Paras whilst Jonny brings his Panzer Grenadiers.

The aim of the game was to clear the towns defenders and get hold of the town centre for a turn.

The game was close with my paras eventually getting to the objective but they just could’nt shift some stubborn defenders which made a last ditch run into the control zone.

With night falling the paratroopers retreated to the outskirts of the town to find another weak spot to attack.

Lets hope the other british paratroopers managed to secure their objectives!

July 15th, 2019

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Its them tanks, they are too good

July 15th, 2019

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July 15th, 2019

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July 15th, 2019

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July 14th, 2019

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