Relax soldier, Paris has fallen. You deserve a rest!
The US Army encountered a group of Hungarian paratroopers. After some initial Axis success the Allies numbers began to overwhelm the Hungarians. Eventually it became too much and the Hungarians had to retreat from the field.
TheFurious August 17th, 2019
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The Germans and Soviet’s engaged in a savaged conflict that left the soviets bloody and battered. A sniper perched in a building killed many men including a Soviet officer and five soldiers foolish enough to charge him. The strum tiger accurately fired decimating all before him. The SS seized the town with few casualties.
Satirichbomb August 17th, 2019
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Sorry No pictures this time.
Great small game using the Demolition mission from the main rule book.
A very back and forth battle, I would fail an order test then he would, I destroyed half a squad of his Majesty’s semi accurate rifles and then he destroyed half a squad of my grenadier regiment. In the end I rushed my objective but was pushed back before the turn could end.
On the plus side my inexperienced half track survived the battle. A first for me.
smiledge_d August 16th, 2019
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Reporting on behalf of Allen Kitching. The Canadians led a spirited drive up the beach but were hampered by stiff resistance from two veteran German commanders. The Canadians persevered in the face of overwhelming odds and eventually took the beach.
Undave2 August 16th, 2019
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Reporting on behalf of Allen Kitching who has had problems setting up his account. Karl from trade said I should report everyone’s results if they couldn’t. This was one of the games at our D-Day weekend.
Undave2 August 16th, 2019
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Bitter fighting took place with the Canadians and the SS, their wasp carrier took out the panzer IV. But it ended in a stalemate. 4-3 draw
Wazzagreg August 15th, 2019
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Sargnagel August 15th, 2019
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Lieutenant Rodchenko had so far survived the challenges of Operation Bagration beyond the borders of the Motherland and through the Romanian territory but this was not sufficient for Marshall Stalin and it wasn’t long before they were ordered to cross the Carpathians via the Ojtozi pass and begin the offensive to take Budapest. Initially they made good ground taking the village at the opening of the pass unfortunately despite being pushed back the Hungarian defenders soon established a strong defensive position blocking the pass. Rodchenko ordered his Guards and SMG squads forward to secure the pass. The Hungarian forces must have anticipated this as they used their knowledge of the mountain pass to outflank the brave hero’s of the Soviet Union. Despite some accurate fire from both his Sniper and Mortar team Rodchenko could feel momentum sweeping away from him as first his infantry were eliminated following by his anti tank guns ( One through the sharp shooting of a Hungarian sniper to devastating effect). Despite the arrival of Rodchenko’s SU152 he could not break the resilient Hungarians and so as night fell with little choice available he was forced to withdraw from the pass and fight another day.
Sandstorm August 15th, 2019
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Basior August 15th, 2019
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Basior August 15th, 2019
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